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Pancakes & Philanthropy

Sisters Madisyn Eareheart, Meghan Parrish, Yoheny Yanes, and Alesha Nelsen advertise a Pancake Dinner sign outside of Cross Resurrection Lutheran Church.

With the warm smell of pancakes, bacon, and hash browns in the evening air on March 22nd 2018, Delta Alpha chapter’s 7th annual “Pancake Dinner” began. As one of the biggest philanthropic events the chapter holds each year at Cross Resurrection Lutheran Church, the anticipation for the event was extremely high! Pancake Dinner is an event to fundraise for one of the Sigma Kappa's philanthropies, “gerontology with a focus on Alzheimer’s disease research." Before pancake dinner time approached, alumnae supply donations were gathered, flyers were created and hung, and sidewalk chalking on campus was done to promote the event within the EMU community.

Another important aspect of Pancake Dinner was not only raising funds for Alzheimer’s disease research, but educating and creating awareness about the disease itself and what The Sigma Kappa Foundation does for it through a poster and table packets. This year, the women of Delta Alpha were more than pleased with the turnout, having many different Greek organizations come out to support, such as the fraternity Delta Tau Delta and the colony of Sigma Lambda Beta, as well as other family, friends, and Sigma Kappa alumnae, who all helped raise $1,151 for the philanthropic cause! Delta Alpha Chapter President, Kaley Austin, credits the Pancake Dinner success this year to all of the amazing, motivated people and organizations that came out to support the chapter. It is truly spectacular how breakfast for dinner and an inspiring cause can bring people together!

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